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Feedback & Complaints

Feedback & Complaints

We always welcome feedback from children and families. Any feedback can be given


  • verbally to the Club Manager
  • in writing to the Club Manager or
    • in writing to the Head Teacher (learning & behaviour issues)
    • in writing to the Business Manager (financial & staffing issues)


We realise that occasionally there may be a need for complaints to be communicated regarding our provision. We have a three step complaints procedure.


  • Informal verbal complaint to the Club Manager – If complaints are made to the Club Manager you will always be listened to professionally. We hope that in most cases open and clear communication will resolve the issue. These complaints are graded as informal.
  • Formal Written Complaint – If you feel that your informal complaint has not been dealt with appropriately or is of a serious nature then your complaint should be made in writing. This complaint will be kept on file. We guarantee to respond to your complaint within three working days during term time. We hope that this would resolve matters.
  • Complaint to the Head Teacher and Governing Body – If you feel that your complaint cannot be dealt with appropriately by the Club Manager you should submit a written complaint to the Head Teacher. All complaints are shared with the Governing Body as a matter of course. You are guaranteed a response to all complaints of this nature within five working days during term time.



All conversations and correspondence will be treated with discretion. However, from the outset all parties of the complaint will need to be aware that some information may have to be shared with others involved in the complaints procedure. The Club Manager may have to be accompanied by another member of staff when dealing with some complaints. As part of the procedure a written record will be maintained of all meetings.


Anonymous complaints

Anonymous complaints may be disregarded unless they are substantiated by someone. It is at the discretion of the Head Teacher to decide whether the gravity of an anonymous complaint warrants investigation.



If the outcome of the complaint procedure shows that the Club is/was at fault, the Club will provide redress in the form of an acknowledgement that the complaint is valid. One of the following will be offered:

  • an apology
  • an explanation
  • an undertaking that the event complained of will not recur
  • an undertaking by the Club to review policies and/or procedures in light of the complaint